Deliberate Debate

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Safe Sex is No Sex

I read Abtsinance and the Left, a conservative blog, that was taking a stab at the Left by posting the results of this study that contradicted their assupmtion that "abstinence doesn't work". To sum up the study, there were four groups of black students in grade sixth through seventh, which may seem young but is an early start to instilling the standards wanted. Each group was subjected to 8-12 hour interventions discussing abstinence-only, safe sex only, a little bit of both, or a control group that promoted health and was unrelated to any sexual activity.
Two years later students self reported their sexual activity. Now the study nor the artcles post the actaul statistics but the model- estimated probability of having sexual intercourse after the abstinece only intervention was 33.5%. Thus making it the most effective method to delay the start of sexual activity.
However if this program seeks federal support its must abide by the laws created by the Bush administration and Congress. Which The New York Times says this study fails to do so. It does not teach that absinence until marriage is an expected standard, but instead encourages students to wait until they are more mature.
As you reach the end of the Absinence and theLeft the attack reaches full force as the blog slashes at Lefties for being unaware of the actual curriculum in the sex-ed programs and that most parents support the older moralistic adn ideological approach to teen sex.

About Me

I made this blog for my government class and to further my political intellect. I have very little to none experience when it comes to working at campaigns or voting, but I enjoy hearing all sorts if every perspective. I consider myself to be an anaalytical thinker willing to take in any new information
